Saturday, January 31, 2009

MAC Tethered Jailbreak for iPod Touch 2nd Gen

Here is the mac version of the tethered jailbreak.

GO TO for rslite package.
1) Copy the FirmwareBundles and CustomPackages directories into
your directory
2) Create a custom 2.2.1 ipsw with PwnageTool in Advanced mode. Don't
enable custom boot logos.
3) From your custom 2.2.1 ipsw, extract these (patched) files:
iBSS.n72ap.RELEASE.dfu (name it iBSS221pwn.dfu)
iBoot.n72ap.RELEASE.img3 (name it iBoot221pwn.img3)
4) From the official 2.1.1 ipsw, extract this (unpatched) file:
iBSS.n72ap.RELEASE.dfu (name it iBSS211.dfu)

Installing the jailbroken custom ipsw
5) Put your ipt2g into DFU mode using keypresses. Don't have iTunes running!
6) Start rslite. Send the official iBSS from 2.1.1: !iBSS211.dfu
7) Start rslite again. Send the redsn0w-lite patch: #pwn211ibss.txt
8) Send the patched iBSS from 2.2.1: !iBSS221pwn.dfu
9) Use iTunes to do a full restore using your custom 2.2.1 ipsw

Tethered boot
After the install, your ipt2g will not be bootable without assistance
from a tethered computer. The method in this README.txt requires you
to go into DFU mode, but you should be able to find (or work out on
your own) other more convenient ways.
10) Repeat steps 5-8
11) Send the patched iBoot from 2.2.1: !iBoot221pwn.img3

Your homescreen should soon show up. You can then start iTunes.

Again, I don't know much on how to do this, but here it is for any of the people who
understands technical stuff

1 comment:

  1. hey i need to know the step by step instructions on how to jailbreak my i-pod touch 2nd gen on my imac. If somebody could help me i would greatly appreciate it.
